Meet Bill Wilson, CEO/President, Peoples Products/HR40 Replacement Windows
Author, Public Speaker, Entrepreneur, Business Owner
A company begins with a vision; a vision formed through life experiences. My name is Bill Wilson, and I began Peoples Products in 1989. Simply sustaining a company for 30 years as a strong, viable enterprise is in itself somewhat miraculous in today’s marketplace. I believe many of the decisions made in business are inspired by living life with certain beliefs and your own personal psychology.
I would like to share with you my own personal psychology of what being the leader of Peoples Products and Evolutionary Home Energy Solutions means to me. I was born and grew up in the early ’60s when society operated in a very different way. A simple handshake had more meaning back then, and when people entrusted you to do work for them, you felt a moral obligation to get it done and do it right. Pride, integrity, and honesty are core values that my parents taught me as a child and I still value today.
At the time I write this, my mother is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, which, for anyone who’s experienced a family member’s rapid decline, is sad and difficult to watch. My mother was unconditional in her love for my brother and me. Always there for us. To meet her, you might conclude that she did not have a strong presence, but a deeply impactful one for certain.
My father was quite different. He was a dreamer. He was an artist. He worked a regular 7-3 job each day at the Fafnir Bearing Company in Newington, CT. But in his heart, he was a cartoonist. He had created many characters and storyboarded many situations for his characters to live in. It was fascinating to me.
“Pride, integrity, and honesty are core values that my parents taught me as a child and I still value today.”
He was the salt of the earth. He was a spiritual person who had strong beliefs in doing the right thing in every situation he could. He went out of his way to help people.
I can remember him always wanting to improve his place in this life by bettering his chances for success. He took a Dale Carnegie course in the early 1970s and he felt empowered by what it taught him. I can vividly recall him sitting me down as a young boy, probably 8 or 9 years old, and telling me, “you can do whatever you put your mind to.”
While I didn’t at that time have a full grasp on the importance of that statement, it resonated with me throughout my life.
My dad was my best friend, and my best friend had a lot to do with the early shaping of my life. Perhaps all of his words were accentuated and took on a far greater significance to me because of the sudden way he died. At the untimely age of 48, he suffered a sudden, massive heart attack that stole him from his family and everyone who loved him. Age 11 is a difficult age to have to go through anything like this (I suppose any age would be), but I’ve definitely had a lot of time to think about who he was, and why knowing him had such a profound impact on me as his son.
He embodied honesty, integrity, the acknowledgment that learning new things should be a lifelong journey. His passion for everything he did lives in vivid colors within my own body and soul, and I suppose part of me will always be a part of my dad. He made me see the impossible as possible.
Obviously, all of this is very personal, and I share this with you because if you should entrust our company to do work for you, I would want you to know that you are in good hands.
We will live up to the ideals of integrity, honesty, and a passion for success in our commitment to serving you in the most outstanding way possible.
We will look to satisfy you in any reasonable way we can. You have my word (which still holds value and meaning) that we will look to treat you in a way that makes you feel special. And just as my dad went out of his way to help people, our company’s mission statement is: WE HELP PEOPLE.
Thank you for taking the time to understand the roots of my commitment to you!
Bill Wilson
Peoples Products, Inc.
Evolutionary Home Energy Solutions, LLC
*Bill’s mom passed away on October 26, 2016.
Bill Wilson and his family
Bill wrote the book, Master Virtue, Master Selling. He is a public speaker, specializing in selling successfully with virtue. Bill also invented the LEAD Personality Profile Program for selling, which helps companies to hire, train and develop sales peoples who will perform with accelerated success in a friendly, customer centric way.