We provide a Free Estimate on Replacement Windows, Siding, Roofing or Doors Good For One Full Year!
Fill out the form below, and we’ll have someone get in touch with you shortly.
Forget the Salesmanship, Learn the Facts!
It’s important for us to see your home in order to give you a down to the penny price, good for One full year. It’s a necessary part of the process. We know you’re inviting us into your home and we make sure your time is well spent. You can expect courtesy, respect, knowledge out of our visit to your home.
Why a Free Estimate?
Of course you know your windows are inefficient, and your siding is aging. You already know the roof leaks or your doors no longer shut properly and protect you against high energy prices. What more is there to know?
Our trained reps will be able to tell the state of your current windows (we actually read the glass with expensive hand held equipment for a truthful reading). We’ll inspect your current siding, roofing, and doors. Believe it or not, there have been many times when our report simply let’s you know that you have more time with what you have. When your company’s efforts are set to actually helping, we tell the truth. It can be a real surprise to hear one of our reps let a potential customer know that there is no rush, the problems weren’t as bad as they thought. Even though we sell these products, it does make us happy to give you good news. We are human. A good reading does happen from time to time. But since you’re reaching out, chances are you may have a need or two. And Peoples Products is here to help! We can suggest what type of siding you may want to consider and why. Or which window features will fit the look and feel of your home, or even what kind of shingles your new roof could stand to use. Our knowledgeable reps will work side by side with you to walk you through a painless process and answer any questions you may have before the work even begins.
Every House is Different
There is a formula for achieving energy efficiency, but every house is like a person — unique. Our consultants will find the solutions that will fit your house, your budget, and your personality.