Are you tired of dealing with an old, outdated shower in your Newington, CT home? If so, you’re not alone. Many homeowners face similar issues with their aging bathroom fixtures. Here are three common problems that old showers tend to have and why upgrading might be the best solution for you.

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1. Mold and Mildew Growth

One of the most prevalent issues with old showers is the growth of mold and mildew. Over time, the grout and caulking in your shower can become worn and cracked, allowing moisture to seep in and create the perfect breeding ground for mold and mildew. Not only is this unsightly, but it can also pose significant health risks to you and your family, such as respiratory issues and allergies.

If you have mold problems you need to remodel your shower or the mold will affect you poorly! Newington, CT
If you have mold problems you need to remodel your shower or the mold will affect you poorly! Newington, CT

2. Leaky Fixtures and Plumbing Issues

Old showers often suffer from leaky fixtures and plumbing problems. These leaks can lead to water damage in your bathroom, causing the tiles to lift and the walls to become soft and discolored. Additionally, persistent leaks can result in higher water bills and wasted resources. Fixing these issues can be costly and time-consuming, making an upgrade to a modern, more efficient shower an appealing option.

3. Outdated Design and Poor Functionality

Another common problem with old showers is their outdated design and lack of functionality. Older showers may not provide adequate water pressure, and their designs can look dated and out of place with the rest of your home’s decor. Upgrading to a new shower can enhance the overall look of your bathroom, making it a more enjoyable and aesthetically pleasing space.


Worries of mold are all too common when sheetrock is used in the shower! Newington, CT

Conclusion: Upgrade Your Shower Today with a FREE ESTIMATE

If you’re experiencing any of these common problems with your old shower, it’s time to consider an upgrade. At Peoples Windows & Baths, we specialize in providing top-quality shower solutions that can transform your bathroom into a modern, functional, and beautiful space.

Looking for basic or extravagant bath shower remodels? Look no further as we have all the options you'll ever need in Newington Connecticut
Looking for basic or extravagant bath shower remodels? Look no further as we have all the options you’ll ever need in Newington Connecticut


Don’t wait any longer to enjoy the benefits of a new shower. Call us today at 1-800-354-7660 for a FREE ESTIMATE and see how we can help you enhance your home in Newington, CT. Let our team of experts guide you through the process and provide you with the best options for your needs and budget. Transform your bathroom and improve your quality of life with Peoples Windows & Baths.