Transform Your Shower & Bath: Newington, CT

Is your bathroom in need of a makeover? In Newington, CT, homeowners are discovering the incredible benefits of upgrading from outdated fiberglass showers to sleek, durable acrylic showers. Let’s take a look at a before-and-after story that showcases the remarkable transformation and advantages of this popular home improvement.

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Before: The Fiberglass Shower

Meet the Johnson family. Their bathroom featured an old fiberglass shower that had seen better days. The shower walls were prone to staining, the surface was difficult to clean, and worst of all, mold and mildew had started to appear in the grout lines and crevices. The Johnsons knew it was time for a change, not just for aesthetic reasons, but for the health and safety of their family.

Old fiberglass tubs are a thing of the past in Newington, CT when acrylic is the next big thing
Old fiberglass tubs are a thing of the past in Newington, CT when acrylic is the next big thing


After: The Full Acrylic Shower

The Johnsons decided to upgrade to a full acrylic shower, extending the walls up to the ceiling. The result? A stunning, modern bathroom that is not only visually appealing but also highly functional and easy to maintain.

New shower remodels are made swift with 100% ABS Acrylic available for you from Newington, CT through Peoples Products only!!!
New shower remodels are made swift with 100% ABS Acrylic available for you from Newington, CT through Peoples Products only!!!


1. Enhanced Aesthetics:

The new acrylic shower instantly revitalized the look of the Johnsons’ bathroom. With a seamless design and a variety of colors and patterns to choose from, the acrylic walls created a sleek, contemporary look that matched their vision perfectly.


2. Mold Prevention:

Unlike fiberglass, acrylic showers feature non-porous, seamless walls that prevent water infiltration and mold growth. By extending the walls to the ceiling, the Johnsons ensured that their bathroom would remain mold-free and easy to clean. No more worrying about mold and mildew hiding in grout lines!


3. Low Maintenance:

Acrylic showers are incredibly easy to maintain. The Johnsons can now enjoy a bathroom that looks pristine with minimal effort. A quick wipe-down with mild soap and water is all it takes to keep the acrylic surface looking brand new.


Ready for Your Own Transformation?


If you’re inspired by the Johnsons’ story and want to transform your own bathroom, now is the perfect time. Take advantage of our exclusive offer for a FREE ESTIMATE by calling 1-800-354-7660. Our expert team at Peoples Products is ready to help you design and install the perfect acrylic shower for your home in Newington, CT.

In conclusion, upgrading from a fiberglass to an acrylic shower can dramatically improve the aesthetics, functionality, and health of your bathroom. Don’t wait any longer—call us today and start your journey to a beautiful, mold-free bathroom with our top-of-the-line acrylic showers.