Is it Time to Replace Your Doors?
The doors to your home are vital for many reasons. Your home’s energy consumption is impacted by your doors constantly even when you think they are shut tightly. On top of effecting energy efficiency, your door is one of the first things people will see on your home and is the first thing they will interact with, making it an important statement maker. In this blog we will discuss some of the telling signs that could mean it’s time for you your door to be replaced.
There is a Constant Draft
Does your home feel especially cool on breezy days? Maybe you should investigate your door to see if wind is coming through. As your door ages, the seals on the sides, top and bottom of your door will crack, shrink, and become weak. This will allow for wind to leak through and enter into your home, as well as allowing your temperature controlled air to flow out. If you have noticed a rise in your heating or cooling bills, your door may be the main culprit.
Visible Rust or Consistently Hard to Open or Close
If your door displays visible rust or other signs of wear like rotting, it is definitely time to replace it. Not only does this decay look bad to you and any potential guests you may have, it is a surefire way to let air in and out of your home and cause energy bills to skyrocket. This damage also can include jamming which occurs when parts of your door rust or rot. If you are constantly exerting force on these parts while they are weak, their seal and ability to protect your home may become compromised. This is one of the more obvious examples on our list but it is important to know how much it can impact your home in the long term.
It Does Not Match the Rest of Your Home
Are your windows and siding more updated than your doors? Not only could you be wasting the great energy efficient quality of your newer siding and windows, but you could be sacrificing some visual appeal as well. Your homes attractiveness will make you happier, will leave your guests impressed, and will increase curb appeal if you ever decide to resell your home.
Replacing your home’s doors can reduce your energy costs and increase your home’s curb appeal and overall attractiveness. If your doors sound like any of the things we listed above, it may be time to replace them. You can get a free quote on replacement doors from us at Peoples Products today!